WAL Community Projects
In June and July of 2022, Wisdom Arts Laboratory created Wisdom Artists in Residence. This Tiny Town collaboration project included teenagers, tweens, kids and grown-up artists. The exhibit was dubbed Hamsterdam.
Summer Camp
Thing Theater
Thing Theater comes from mastermind Kindred Gottlieb. This program offers a collaborative space for movement and objects to transform into story and theater.

Dia de Los Muertos
Wisdom Arts Laboratory has produced a Dia de Los Muertos Community Day after-school for 10 years. This is a free all ages - outdoor event. We offer activities through art making stations.
Summer Camp
Fashion Camp
Working with reclaimed clothing, remnants and enthusiastic young fashion designers, we create wearable art and handmade clothing.
Fashion Camp is a collaboration with artisans who teach sewing and pattern making, free from embellishment and play. Every fashion camp culminates with a runway where young designers model their work.

Community Day
Making miniature food, dwellings, appliances and books, we play with materials and create an enchanting world of our own in miniature.